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Episode 220: API Management Updates with Anton Babadjanov
In this episode Chris Risner and Thiago Almeida are joined by Anton Babadjanov, Program Manager on the API Management team. Anton joins us to go over some of the new features API Management has released since the team was last on the show over a year ago. Anton starts with a brief review of API Management and then jumps into the new features, starting with it's presence in the modern Azure portal including adding new APIs, examining the steps and policies used with individual APIs, testing API calls, and more. Included in this is a look at the new VNet support for API Management. Anton then goes over one of the more highly requested features: support for SOAP web services. Next we take...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Mobile, Test Cloud, HockeyApp

12/2/2016 12:52:02 PM

Episode 219: Visual Studio Mobile Center with Thomas Dohmke
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Thomas Dohmke, Group Program Manager on Visual Studio Mobile Center. Thomas joins us to go over the features of the new service and the features it provides mobile developers. Mobile Center combines numerous other features including: HockeyApp, Xamarin Test Cloud, Azure Mobile Engagement, Xamarin Insights, Azure App Service, and CodePush. Mobile Center combines these features into one easy to use offer that is capable of building your mobile apps (including iOS apps without needing your own mac), automating beta app distribution, automating UI Tests, providing usage insights and crash reports, and much more. Links from the show: [...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Design Patterns, Patterns, Patterns & Practices, microservices

11/4/2016 6:37:20 PM

Episode 218: DDD and CQRS on Service Fabric with MediaValet
In this episode Haishi Bai is joined by Jean Lozano, Sergiy Chernets and Stanley Chen from MediaValet. Jean, CTO of MediaValet, shares MediaValet's journey to Azure, and reviews how MediaValet's system evolves with the platform. Then, Sergiy reviews several key concepts and principles in Domain Driven Design (DDD), and how MediaValet maps these concepts to Microsoft Service Fabric Actor programming model. The team also discusses how they implement the Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern and Event Sourcing on Service Fabric. Finally, Stanley walks through some conceptual codes showing how to implement a Process Manager using reminders that allow actors to communicate ...
Episode 217: Azure Active Directory B2C with Swaroop Krishnamurthy
In this episode Haishi Bai and Romit Girdhar are joined by Swaroop Krishnamurthy, Senior Program Manager of Azure Active Directory B2C. After a brief introduction of Azure Active Directory B2C, Swaroop shows a couple of use cases of B2C. Then, he shows the end-to-end process of creating a B2C tenant, registering an application, configuring different policies, and customizing the user experiences. Links from the show: [04:04] - Use case: Real Madrid[06:29] - Use case: State of Indiana[07:40] - Demo: Creating and using an Azure Active Directory B2C tenantAzure Active Directory B2C pricingLike Cloud Cover on Facebook! Follow @CloudCoverShowFollow @chrisrisnerFollow @haishibai2010Follow @swaroo...
Episode 216: Azure News Recap with Chris and Haishi October 2016
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai do a review of recent news and announcements for Azure. They cover the following topics: Azure App Service: App Service with Linux SupportAzure App Service: MySQL in-app PreviewAzure App Service: Logic Apps GAMicroservices: Service Fabric on Linux PreviewMicroservices: Windows Server Containers on ACS PreviewMobile: Azure Mobile Apps Node Server SDK v3Mobile: HockeyApp Data in Application InsightsMobile: Notification Hubs enables APNS PriorityMedia: Face RedactionMedia: Motion DetectionSearch: New Search Tiers GAIaaS: N, F, L, H Series VMsIaaS: Large Instances for SAP HANAIaaS: Expiration Dates for VMs in Azure DevTest LabsTooling: Azure CLI 2.0...
Episode 215: AzureBot with Thiago Almeida
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Thiago Almeida, a Technical Evangelist in the DX team at Microsoft. Thiago joins us to talk about AzureBot: a bot which enables you to view the status on your Azure resources and take actions such as scaling up, starting, and stopping, via common Bot endpoints such as Skype, Slack, and GroupMe. Links from the show: [00:42] - AzureBot[02:00] - AzureBot on Slack[03:40] - AzureBot in Visual Studio and the Emulator[15:14] - AzureBot in Application Insights[20:40] - Bot HostingAzureBot on GitHubAzureBot in the Bot Framework directoryAzureBot documentationBot FrameworkLike Cloud Cover on Facebook! Follow @CloudCoverShowFollow @chrisrisner...
Episode 214: HockeyApp and Application Insights with Evgeny Ternovsky and Josh Weber
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Evgeny Ternovsky and Joshua Weber, Program Managers on the HockeyApp and Application Insights teams. Joshua starts by going over the basics of HockeyApp and the features it provides including: beta app distribution, crash reporting, user feedback, user tracking, and application metrics. With the quick addition of a client side SDK, you're able to start gathering metrics on your applications whether they are in testing or if you've released them into production. After taking a spin through the HockeyApp features, Joshua walks through how you can connect a HockeyApp application to an Application Insights account so you can view your...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Load Testing, scalablity, Web Applications, traffic

9/16/2016 2:00:00 PM

Episode 213: Azure App Service Best Practices for Large Scale Applications
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Byron Tardiff, Program Manager on the Azure App Services team. Byron joins us to talk about building high scale applications on the Azure App Service platform. Specifically, he discusses steps you should take if you would like support up to 1 million requests per second. Throughout the episode, Byron uses a real example of work he did with the CBC News to support the Canada Votes 2015 voting process. First Byron goes over general strategy for breaking up the different tiers of an application and how you can architect them to best support so many requests. He then breaks it down and goes over how that strategy can be applied to a...
Episode 212: Service Fabric Series (3 of 3) - Service Fabric on Linux
In this episode, Haishi Bai and Bruno Medina are joined by Subramanian Ramaswamy, Principal Program Manager working on Azure Service Fabric to talk about the preview of Service Fabric on Linux - a key milestone on our journey to make Service Fabric available for any cloud and any OS. This latest release includes Eclipse and Jenkins support, so developers can use the tools they know to build and deploy on Service Fabric on Linux. With .NET Core made available on Linux and Mac, we are offering enterprise developers with C# background an option to do C# Microservices on Linux using Service Fabric, making the Linux ecosystem easier to navigate. Check out the episode and blog by Mark Russinovich...
Episode 211: Service Fabric Series (2 of 3) - Service Fabric with Containers
In this episode, Haishi Bai is joined by Jeffrey Richter, Partner Software Engineer, and Rajeet Nair, Principal Software Engineer working on Azure Service Fabric to talk about Service Fabric with containers. Jeff introduces how containers bring runtime and resource isolations, and how containerized applications are deployed and managed on a Service Fabric cluster. Then, Rajeet shows several live demonstrations of deploying containers, performing failovers, using stateful containers and defining resource constraint policies. Links from the show: [13:20] - Demo: Stateless guest containers[16:35] - Demo: Failover[18:22] - Demo: Scaling[19:22] - Demo: Visual objects - mixture of containers and ...
Episode 210: Service Fabric Series (1 of 3) - Introduction
In this episode,Haishi Bai and Bruno Medina are joined by Mark Fussell, Principal Program Manager Lead working on Azure Service Fabric. In this first installment of a 3-part series, Mark gives a comprehensive introduction of Service Fabric. He talks about different service types, programming models, tools and services provided by Service Fabric to help developers to build cloud-scale applications. He also answers some of the commonly asked questions such as capacity plan, Cloud Service migration, state management and overall application lifecycle management. In the next episodes, we'll drill into two interesting topics: container integration and Linux support. Links from the show: [12:54] -...
Episode 209: Azure SQL Data Warehouse with Matt Usher
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Matt Usher, Sr. Program Manager working on Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Matt starts by talking through what SQL Data Warehouse is and how it differs from a SQL Database. He then goes into some of the analytics and intelligence you can use with a Data Warehouse. Matt demonstrates how to create a new Azure SQL Data Warehouse, connect to it, and then how to insert data, query against it, and change data routing and partitioning. He also walks through connecting a SQL Data Warehouse to Power BI. Finally, Matt reviews a few different security options you have when you using Azure SQL Data Warehouse Links from the show: [00:52] - DataWar...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Cloud, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code

6/17/2016 1:30:13 PM

Episode 208: Blockchain with Tom Lindeman and Yorke Rhodes
In this episode Chris Risner is joined by Tom Lindeman and Yorke Rhodes. Yorke and Tom focus on the partner ecosystem for Visual Studio, Blockchain, and Visual Studio Marketplace. Tom and Yorke first start by explaining what Blockchain is and how it works. They then go into talking about what Microsoft is doing to make it easier to build Blockchain based applications with Ethereum, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Azure, and more. Links from the show: [01:25] - What is Blockchain?[05:00] - What is Microsoft doing for Blockchain?[07:50] - Public and Private Blockchains[10:34] - The Visual Studio Marketplace[12:24] - Using the Solidity Extension in Visual Studio[16:20] - Blockchain-as-a...
Episode 207: Netflix Spinnaker on Azure with Andy Glover, Richard Guthrie, and Arun Chandrasekhar
In this episode Haishi Bai is joined by Andy Glover, Richard Guthrie and Arun Chandrasekhar to talk about Spinnaker, Netflix's open source, multi-cloud, global Continuous Delivery platform. Spinnaker is designed to be pluggable, allowing different tasks, models and targets to be incorporated into the deployment pipeline. It supports various deployment targets such as Amazon Web Services, Google Compute Platform, Kubernetes, and Cloud Foundry. Now with Microsoft's contribution, Spinnaker also deploys to Microsoft Azure! After a brief overview by Andy and Arun, Richard and Andy shows a number of deployment pipelines and scenarios to showcase how you can leverage Spinnaker to automate Continuo...
Episode 206: Bot Framework with Mike Hall
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Mike Hall, Principle Software Architect on the Technology and Research Experiences and Technology Group. Mike joins us to talk about Bot Framework. Bot Framework enables developers to build agents that can be reached via many channels including Skype, Telegram, Slack, email, SMS, and many more. Mike starts by showing us how to build out a simple bot using Visual Studio and the Bot Framework templates for bots. Mike then goes on to show how to record state using the Bot Connector to make conversational bots. Links from the show: [03:50] - Mike's presentation[05:57] - Building a simple bot[12:30] - The Bot Emulator[14:38] - A Stock...
Episode 205:  Azure Functions with Chris Anderson
In this episode Haishi Bai and Romit Girdhar are joined by Chris Anderson, Program Manager on the Azure App Service team focusing on Azure Functions. Azure Functions provides a way to host code that can respond to a variety of different triggers. Currently Azure Functions has first class support for C# and Node with additional functionality on the way (PowerShell, F#, Python, etc). Links from the show: [01:26] - Chris' presentation[03:01] - What is Azure Functions?[04:07] - Web Jobs vs Functions[18:30] - How pricing works[21:20] - Functions and Logic Apps demo[29:35] - Bot Framework demo[32:30] - Function monitoring demoAzure Functions homepageAzure Functions signupAzure Functions SDK i...
Episode 204: Using Docker Machine with Azure with Ahmet Balkan
In this episode Chris Risner and Thiago Almeida are joined by Ahmet Alp Balkan, an Open Source Engineer on the Azure Linux team. Ahmet joins us to talk about his work on Docker Machine. Docker Machine is a tool developed by Docker that handles the creation of virtual machines that are already configured to run Docker containers for you. He starts by demonstrating using Docker Machine to create a new vm on his local laptop using Virtual Box. Ahmet then uses the Azure Driver to create a new virtual machine and resource group, as well as all other items necessary to run the vm, with Docker set up. Finally, Ahmet deploys a web server to the Azure vm and then demonstrates how to shut down a...
Episode 203: Azure App Service Domains and SSL with Ashish Kurmi
In this episode Chris Risner is joined by Ashish Kurmi, developer on the Azure App Service team. Ashish joins us to talk about adding custom domains and SSL certificates to Azure App Services. Ashish starts by demonstrating how to purchase a new Custom Domain from within the Azure portal. This is easily found by navigating to the Settings for your Azure App Service and finding Custom Domains and SSL. Purchasing a domain can be done completely within the Azure portal and makes use of GoDaddy's registrar services behind the scenes. Once a domain is purchased, it is a top level resource which can be used anywhere within Azure. Ashish also demonstrates using it with Traffic Manager. We a...
Episode 202:  Azure App Service Cloning with Ahmed Elnably
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Ahmed Elnably, a Program Manager on the Azure Web Apps team. Ahmed joins us to talk about App Service App Cloning, which is a way for users to clone apps from one region or one app service environment to another. Links from the show: [03:00] - Cloning from the portal[06:23] - Cloning from PowerShellAzure App Service Cloning using PowerShellAzure App Service Cloning in the PortalLike Cloud Cover on Facebook! Follow @CloudCoverShowFollow @chrisrisnerFollow @haishibai2010 Follow @elnably
Episode 201: Azure App Service Local Cache with Cory Fowler
In this episode Chris Risner is joined by Cory Fowler, Program Manager on the Azure App Services team. Cory joins us to talk about Azure App Service Local Cache. Local Cache enables your Apps to copy their code to storage on the local VMs running their site. Normally, Apps are run from a network based disk. Changing to storage local to the VM greatly improve the performance of languages like PHP, Node.js, and any other platform that needs to frequently read the files running it. Local Cache can be turned on by adding two application settings into your App Service's settings. Cory walks through adding these settings and then how you can check to see that it has been turned on. Finally...
Episode 200: Azure Resource Manager Tooling with Brian Moore
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Brian Moore, Program Manager on the Azure Tools for Visual Studio team. The tooling in Visual Studio helps you define Azure Resource Manager templates which you can use to deploy resources in Azure. Using the tooling, developers have a very helpful design style interface for generating their templates as well as intellisense if you choose to edit the JSON directly. Links from the show: [01:33] - Creating a new project in VS[04:18] - Project structure[07:40] - Configuring Variables and Parameters[17:10] - Running a deployment from Visual Studio Team ServicesAzure SDK and Tools downloadsAzure Resource Manager OverviewContinuous int...
Episode 199: The Barracuda Next Generation Firewall
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Vinayak Shastri a Cloud Security Solutions Architect from Barracuda, who joins us to discuss Barracuda's next generation firewall designed for the cloud. Vinayak takes us through a sample multi-tier architecture involving several subnets and a traditional separation of the web application, web service, and database layers. He then goes on to explain how adding the Barracuda firewall can help you secure all layers of your application by ensuring all traffic goes through the firewall. Vinayak also makes heavy use of the firewall portal which enables you to view all traffic flowing into and out of your application, control firewall e...
Episode 198: Azure Container Service with Ross Gardler
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Ross Gardler, Senior Program Manager on the Azure Linux Compute team. Ross joins us to talk about the Azure Service Container. Ross starts by talking about what Docker is by demonstrating running the Hello World container and then moves on to running 20 web servers in containers in a matter of seconds. He then goes on to explain Docker Swarm and Apache Mesos and how they work with the new Azure Container Service. Links from the show: [01:00] - Hello World with Docker[02:55] - Running a Web Server in Docker[07:28] - Running 20 Web Servers in Docker 4:43[07:34] - VMs vs Containers[14:00] - The Dockerfile[20:00] - Reducing Complexity...
Episode 197: Azure .NET SDK Updates with Brady Gaster
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Brady Gaster, Program Manager on the Azure SDK and Tooling team. Brady joins us to talk about some recent updates to the Azure SDK for .NET. Brady talks about some of the new capabilities of the .NET SDK for Azure and does a deep dive on the new functionality provided in the Visual Studio tooling that is installed as part of the SDK. Links from the show: [07:04] - Brady's presentation[10:22] - Walking through Visual Studio tooling[13:30] - New App Service tooling[24:22] - Exporting ARM TemplatesAnnouncing the Azure SDK 2.8.2 for .NETIn the news: Azure Stack Technical PreviewIn the news: Azure Stack Webcast on February 3rdIn the n...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Mobile, Azure Mobile Services

1/15/2016 5:22:34 PM

Episode 196: Migrating to Mobile Apps with Matthew Henderson
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Matthew Henderson, Program Manager on the Azure App Service team. Matthew joins us to discuss how you can migrate and upgrade your Azure Mobile Services into Azure App Service Mobile Apps. Mobile Apps provides a next generation version of the backend for your mobile apps and provides for greater functionality over Mobile Services. In the video, Matthew walks through a current Mobile Service and it's connected application and performs a migration to Mobile Apps. Next he goes through steps you would take to upgrade a .NET Mobile Service backend to a Mobile App. Links from the show: [02:20] - Mobile Services in the Current Portal[06...
Episode 195: PowerApps with Stephen Siciliano
In this episode Chris Risner and Thiago Almeida are joined by Stephen Siciliano, Program Manager on the Azure Team. Stephen joins us to talk about the newly announced PowerApps. PowerApps enable people to generate applications that run on mobile devices that connect to resources in both Microsoft Azure, as well as other SaaS providers including SharePoint, Office365, Salesforce, DropBox, and many more. Stephen walks through how PowerApps works and demonstrates creating a PowerApp that is based off of a SharePoint list. Topics Covered: [00:58] - Stephen's Presentation[03:28] - Running an App[04:36] - Creating an App[11:48] - Explaining how a PowerApp works behind the scenes[23:50] - Logic...
Episode 194: Azure News Recap with Chris and Haishi
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai go through a recap of major Azure announcements that have happened in the past few months. Topics Covered: Azure Portal GAIoT Suite AvailabilityAzure Backup ServerRed Hat on AzureAzure Blockchain as a ServiceAzure Powershell 1.0App Service Mobile Apps GAService Fabric PreviewPHP 7 RC 7 - on Cory's BlogAzure Container Service PreviewAzure Redis Cache Premium Tier - on CloudCoverVirtual Machine Scale Set Preview - on CloudCoverAzure Security CenterAzure SDK 8DocumentDB Updates - On CloudCoverCDN Premium FeaturesAzure Power AppsDebian GNU/Linux Distro on AzureLike Cloud Cover on Facebook! Follow @CloudCoverShowFollow @chrisrisnerFollow @haishibai20...
Episode 193: Azure Redis Cache Premium Tier with Pranav Rastogi
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Pranav Rastogi, Program Manager on the Azure team who joins us to discuss the new Premium Tier for Azure Redis Cache. The premium tier offers support for new functionality including persistence, Redis Clusters, Azure Virtual Networks, as well as better performance. Links from the show: [04:49] - Pranav's presentation[10:03] - Creating a Redis Cache in Premium Tier[17:06] - Redis Clusters[30:47] - Azure Redis Cache PerformanceAzure Redis Cache DocumentationIntro to Azure Redis Cache on Cloud CoverAdvanced Azure Redis Cache on Cloud CoverIn the news: Azure Preview Portal November updatesIn the news: Recommendation Feature for App Serv...
Episode 192: Azure Mobile Engagement with Piyush Joshi
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Piyush Joshi, Program Manager on the Azure Mobile Engagement team. Mobile Engagement just GAed last month and helps you to collect analytics on user behavior, measure those analytics, and then respond using marketing campaigns and push notifications. A great example of this is if you have an eCommerce application, you can track users that add items to their cart but don't make a purchase and trigger a push notification to them with a coupon to encourage them to complete the purchase. The SDKs for Mobile Engagement enable out of app notifications, as well as rich and actionable in-app notifications that are customizable. Furthermo...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure scalablity, Virtual Machines

10/30/2015 5:55:06 PM

Episode 191: Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Guy Bowerman
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Guy Bowerman, Program Manager on the Azure Compute Engineering team focusing on Linux and Scale. He joins us to talk about Virtual Machine Scale Sets. Scale Sets are a way to deploy and manage a set of identical VMs. Scale Sets handles scaling up and down of your VMs in an intelligent manner so the correct VM is always spun down. Scale Sets also integrate with Azure Autoscale and Azure Load Balancer. Scale Sets are currently in private preview but will very soon be in public preview. Links from the show: [00:41] - Guy's presentation[04:36] - An overview of Azure's Next Gen Cloud Platform[05:31] - Deploying a Scale Set[08:11] - C...
Episode 190: Elastic Azure SQL Databases with Torsten Grabs
In this episode Chris Risner and Mustafa Kasap are joined by Torsten Grabs, Program Manager on the Azure SQL Database team. Torsten joins us to talk about Elastic Azure SQL Databases. Using Elastic Databases, you are able to use multiple databases with the same application in order to store data for different tenants in those different databases. Torsten uses the Entity Framework's Blogs sample to demonstrate each blog being placed into it's own database. Torsten then walks through how you can use the Elastic Scale Client library to manage mappings of tenants to databases using a catalog database, and then how to use that mapping to write queries against databases. Also demonstrated is...
Episode 189: Azure Resource Manager with Haishi Bai
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai take a look at some tips and tricks for Azure Resource Manager (ARM). ARM enables you to capture a deployment in Azure into a JSON file which you can use to provide consistent deployments of your applications in Azure. Haishi takes us through some of the basics of ARM as well as tips and tricks for getting the most out of ARM and ARM templates. Links from the show: [04:51] - Haishi's presentation[06:59] - ARM Template Basics[08:30] - Deploying an Availability Set with ARM Templates[17:18] - Deployment History[19:47] - Helper Functions[22:21] - Dependencies[24:53] - Loops[26:04] - Sub-deployments[28:49] - Branches and conditions[30:36] - Diagnost...
Episode 188: IoT Hub with Elio Damaggio and Olivier Bloch
In this episode Mat Velloso is joined by Elio Damaggio and Oliver Bloch from Azure IoT. Elio and Oliver give us an introduction of the new IoT Hub service, and show us how to write both management code and on-device code leveraging the IoT Hub SDK. IoT Hub allows you to manage millions of devices, to collect telemetry from these devices and to send commands back to them. It provides all necessary features for you to manage devices at scale, including features like bi-directional messaging, device authentication & security, device connectivity monitoring and device resource optimization. Links from the show: [00:25] - Elio'spresentation and demo[18:23] - Oliver's presentation and demoDe...

Haishi Bai

Azure Web applications, Mobile Application, NodeJS, Xamarin

9/25/2015 4:42:22 PM

Episode 187: Node.js support for Azure Mobile Apps with Chris Anderson
In this episode Haishi Bai and Elliott Miller are joined by Chris Anderson from the Mobile Apps team. Chris shares with us about the newly released Node SDK for Azure Mobile Apps. The SDK allows you to build and run Node.js-based mobile backends. This gives you the full power of Node.js without sacrificing the turnkey experience the community has been enjoying. Moreover, with the integration with App Services, you can leverage features such as continuous integration and multiple deployment slots. Last but not least, the whole project is open source (please see the link to the GitHub repository below) to embrace feedbacks and contributions from the community. Links from the show: [02:02]-Ch...

Haishi Bai

Azure cloud provisioning & billing, Enterprise Portal

9/18/2015 4:08:28 PM

Episode 186: EA Portal and API with Doug Lora and Jufeng Zhang
In this episode Haishi Bai and Thiago Almeida are joined by Doug Lora from the Azure Enterprise Operations Group and Jufeng Zhang from the Azure Enterprise System team. Doug and Jufeng join us to give us an overview of the updated Azure Enterprise Portal and the new Azure Enterprise Portal Billing API. Doug begins by giving us an overview of the updated Azure Enterprise Portal including Usage Summary, Usage Details, Departments and Accounts, Reporting and Usage download options, manipulating the usage download in Excel, and a sample Excel spreadsheet that uses Power BI against the API. Then Jufeng talks to us about the Azure Enterprise Portal Billing API. He goes over where to get more det...
Episode 185: DocumentDB Updates with Ryan CrawCour
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Ryan CrawCour, Sr Program Manager working on Azure DocumentDB. Ryan joins us to give us an update on what DocumentDB's been doing since he was last on Cloud Cover. Ryan begins by giving a brief overview of what DocumentDB is and why it's important. Next he launches into the new features DocumentDB has released since it went GA in April. Some of those new features include: ID based routing, range operations for strings, Order By for queries, index transforms, query enhancements (In, Between, etc), portal updates, a new data migration tool, logical charging, and geospatial support. Links from the show: [02:00] - Ryan's presentation...
Episode 184: Wowza with Chris Knowlton
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Chris Knowlton, Streaming Industry Evangelist at Wowza Media Systems. The company's core product, Wowza Streaming Engine, is a media streaming software that works great with Azure. Chris walks through how you can start by deploying Wowza in Azure using templates in the Azure Marketplace. He then walks through the steps to connect to the Wowza VM, configure it, and start streaming media to it. He then shows how you can take stream and transcode it into different formats and bitrates and then consume from any client, anywhere, you want. Links from the show: [03:00] - Starting Chris' presentation[04:40] - Deploying Wowza in Azure[08...
Episode 183: Azure WebJobs Update with Pranav Rastogi
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Pranav Rastogi, Program Manager on the Azure team. Pranav joins us to go over some newer features of WebJobs. WebJobs allow you to run background jobs as part of an Azure Web App or Azure Web Site. Since the last time we spoke about WebJobs, the SDK has been open sourced including an extensibility model that allows anyone to build out new triggers and binders for launching a job. Two of the new triggers they have also released include timer based triggers and file based triggers. Additionally, Pranav shows a trigger based off a Redis cache created by the community. Links from the show: [00:40] - Starting Pranav's presentation[03...

Chris Risner, mustafakasap

Azure cloud provisioning & billing, ecommerce

8/14/2015 3:46:37 PM

Episode182: Usage and RateCard APIs with Moinak Bandyopadhyay
In this episode Chris Risner and Mustafa Kasap are joined by Moinak Bandyopadhyay, Program Manager on the Azure Commerce Team. Moinak joins us to talk about two new APIs released by the Commerce team: Usage and Rate Card. These two APIs allows you to programmatically get details on the Azure consumption for a subscription as well as retrieve information about the billing rates associated with that subscription. Throughout the show, Moinak demonstrates what the format of calls against the APIs look like, two solutions that vendors have built on top of the APIs, and several different code samples for connecting to the APIs. Links from the show: [00:38] - This week's news[03:40] - Explainin...
Episode 181: Azure Data Factory and Big Legacy Data with Shweta Gupta
In this special episode Lara Rubbelke is joined by Shweta Gupta, a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft. Shweta joins the show to talk about her experience helping a healthcare customer solve a big legacy data problem with Azure Data Factory. In this scenario, they wanted to use Streaming Analytics but needed to figure out how to get legacy data into the system. Links from the show: [00:39] - Introductions[01:37] - What is Big Legacy Data?[05:44] - Parsing vs Transforming data[10:10] - Why Azure Data Factory?[11:10] - DemosSolving the Big Legacy Data problem with Azure Data FactoryTransformation of XML to JSON on GitHubCustom Data Activities with ADFLike Cloud Cover on Facebook! Follow @Clou...
Episode 180: Mesosphere with Ben Hindman
In this episode Chris Risner is joined by Ben Hindman, one of the founders and Chief Architect at Mesosphere. Mesosphere is based off of the open source Apache Mesos project and makes it easier to run many distributed systems on the same cluster of nodes at the same time. Ben starts by explaining what Mesos and Mesosphere are and then jumps into the Mesosphere dashboard. The dashboard allows us to see how many nodes are running in our cluster and what applications they're running. Ben then goes in and runs through installing a sample web app into his cluster. This includes Oinker which is the actual web app in addition to Spark which does analytics. Links from the show: [00:39] - What i...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Machine Learning

7/17/2015 5:40:30 PM

Episode 179: Oxford APIs with Mat Velloso
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Mat Velloso, a Senior Technical Evangelist in DX. Mat joins us to talk about the Oxford APIs, machine learning,, and Twins or Not. Mat starts by talking about inspired him to quickly build Twins or Not while on the //Build tour. Mat then talks about how the capabilities used by these sites are available as part of the Oxford APIs and shows a demo of using one of the capabilities to organize photos. Mat then goes a little deeper and talks about building models using Azure Machine Learning and finding existing experiments using the Machine Learning gallery. He goes over two different examples: Recommendatio...
Episode 178: Azure API Apps with Panos Kefalidis
In this episode Chris Risner is joined by fellow Technical Evangelist, Panos Kefalidis. Panos joins us to talk about Azure App Service API Apps. First we quickly review what Azure App Service is and how it combines different complimentary pieces into a single uniform platform. Then we talk about API Apps and how they provide extended metadata for APIs (written in any language) to enable more easy consumption and distribution. One of the very powerful features of API Apps is it's Swagger metadata generation for creating client SDKs to talk to your APIs. Panos wraps up the show by creating a Logic App that consumes the API App he earlier created and deployed into Azure. Links from the sh...
Episode 177: More API Management Features with Vlad Vinogradsky
In this episode Chris Risner is joined by Vlad Vinogradsky, Principal Program Manager on the Azure API Management Team. Vlad joins us to talk about some of the latest features in the Azure API Management service. Azure API Management allows you to administer your APIs programmatically and publish back-end services as well managed, well controlled APIs. Today, Vlad introduces the new features in the Premium offering of Azure Management API, including an ability to deploy proxies in multiple regions, support for VPNs, and integration with Azure Active Directory. Also featured is the new Policy Expressions capability, which allows you to dynamically configure management policies for your APIs....
Episode 176: Logic Apps with Stephen Siciliano
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Stephen Siciliano, Program Manager on Azure App Service. Stephen joins us to demonstrate Logic Apps. Logic Apps are a part of the new Azure App Service which provides a common platform for building different types of applications. Using Logic Apps, Stephen shows us how you can connect different APIs and API Apps together in logical flows. In the first example, Stephane creates a recurring job which polls Twitter for tweets mentioning LogicApps and then takes that output and creates a file in DropBox. After creating the Logic App, Stephen shows off the JSON that is created as he uses the designer to set things up. To finish thin...

Haishi Bai, Nick Harris, Chris Risner

Cloud Services Microsoft Azure Platform

5/13/2015 3:45:00 PM

Episode 175: Cloud Services in the Azure preview portal
In this episode Nick Harris, Marck Robinson and Julio Casal Terreros take you for a lap around functionality that was recently released within the Azure preview portal to Create, Manage and Monitor your Cloud Services. During the demo you will learn how to: Create, RDP,VIP swap,Rotate certificates,Configure Auto ScaleConfigure alertsFollow @CloudCoverShowFollow @chrisrisnerFollow @cloudnickFollow @marck_robinson Follow @julioc
Episode 174: Big Data with Lara Rubbelke and James Baker
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Lara Rubbelke and James Baker, both Principle Software Development Engineers focusing on Microsoft Azure. This episode wraps up our 5 part series focusing on Big Data. In this show, walk through a solution Lara and James worked on with one of our customers, Emerson Electric. For this situation, they were working on data analytics around Internet of Things with a need to craft a hybrid approach. Their solution combines several different technologies we've been covering throughout the previous few episodes on Big Data. Lara and James walk through how they combined Kafka, Storm, DocumentDB, HBase, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Stor...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Big Data

4/10/2015 4:01:43 PM

Episode 173: Storm with Asad Khan
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Asad Khan, Principle Program Manager on the HDInsight team. Asad joins us to talk about handling real-time streaming using Storm on Azure HDInsight. This enables you to analyze your data as it is coming in as opposed to waiting and querying it some time in the future. Storm is easy to program against, highly scalable, fast, and reliable. Storm works with Spouts which are points of ingesting data and Bolts which handle performing computation and logic with the data. Asad also talks about Trident, which is a high-level abstraction which makes it even easier to work with Storm. Also shown is the templates in Visual Studio for crea...
Episode 172: HBase with Maxim Lukiyanov
In this episode Mat Velloso and Elliott Miller are standing in for Chris Risner and Haishi Bai. Mat and Elliott are joined by Maxim Lukiyanov, a Program Manager on the HDInsight team. In this show, part 3 of our series on Big Data, Maxim does an introduction on HBase, the basic features of it, and how to get started with it. HBase is a distributed, NoSQL database with Hadoop integration which facilitates running queries in real time across your data. Azure features super easy deployment of HBase just like it does with Hadoop and Storm. Additionally you can automate deployment of clusters of HBase into Azure Blob Storage. Links from the show: Big Data and MicrosoftHDInsight on AzureGett...
Episode 171: Hive Queries with Nino Bice
In this episode Mat Velloso and Elliott Miller are standing in for Chris Risner and Haishi Bai. Mat and Elliott are joined by Nino Bice, a Product Manager on the HDInsight team. In this show, episode 2 of our Big Data series, Nino walks through how you can use Hive queries with HDInsight. Hive allows you to execute SQL-like queries which compile down into map-reduce jobs. Nino begins by quickly going over how to generate a new cluster using the Azure portal. He then shows the HDInsight Query Console. Nino then proceeds to demonstrate how querying works and runs some live queries. Nino ends the show by going over some of the Visual Studio tooling that Microsoft provides for working wi...
Episode 170: Big Data with Lance Olson and Matt Winlker
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Lance Olson and Matt Winkler, Program Managers working on Big Data at Microsoft. This episode starts a 5 episode mini-series focusing on Big Data. In part one, Lance and Matt give an overview of what Big Data is and how it is used. Big Data encompasses several different technologies but a large part of the focus is being able to handle massive amounts of different types of data and run queries and analytics on it quickly. This also includes the ability to do predictive analysis by creating models based off of the data. There are many different technologies running in Azure that are associated with Big Data, including: HDInsight, ...
Episode 169: Azure Key Vault with Sumedh Barde
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Sumedh Barde, Program Manager on the Azure Security team. Sumedh joins us to talk about Azure Key Vault, a new technology for storing sensitive keys and secrets within Azure. Key Vault offers the ability to store secrets which you can programmatically retrieve from your applications without allowing people that shouldn't have access to them to see them. For example, you can store your production database connection string in Key Vault and retrieve it from your web application so that you aren't placing that key into a web configuration file or giving non-secure people access to it. Key Vault also enables you to store keys which a...
Episode 168: The Redesigned Power BI Service with Josh Caplan
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Josh Caplan, a Program Manager on the Power BI team. Josh walks us through the redesigned Power BI service and dashboard system. He starts by demonstrating how easy it is to pull data into Power BI by demonstrating a GitHub repository and the dashboard metrics you're able to see for commits, pull requests, merges, and much more. Josh primarily focuses on the new APIs for sending data in real time to Power BI which enables your dashboards to be showing real time data charts. Josh demonstrates a voting application where a user goes to a website and makes a vote (either yes or no). Using the real time APIs, the website then logs th...
Episode 167: Azure Release Management with Donovan Brown
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Donovan Brown, a Technology Solutions Professional from the DevTools team. In this episode, Donovan goes over how you can use Release Management to control and automate deployment of your applications into Azure. Using Release Management, it becomes easy to connect your source code repository to continuous integration, running tests, deploying to different environments, and requiring sign off, from QA for example, before pushing to the next environment. In the video, Donovan demonstrates making a change to a code base he has deployed to several different site slots in Azure Websites. He checks in an update to his website and data...
Episode 167: Azure Release Management with Donovan Brown
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Donovan Brown, a Technology Solutions Professional from the DevTools team. In this episode, Donovan goes over how you can use Release Management to control and automate deployment of your applications into Azure. Using Release Management, it becomes easy to connect your source code repository to continuous integration, running tests, deploying to different environments, and requiring sign off, from QA for example, before pushing to the next environment. In the video, Donovan demonstrates making a change to a code base he has deployed to several different site slots in Azure Websites. He checks in an update to his website and data...
Episode 167: Azure Release Management with Donovan Brown
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Donovan Brown, a Technology Solutions Professional from the DevTools team. In this episode, Donovan goes over how you can use Release Management to control and automate deployment of your applications into Azure. Using Release Management, it becomes easy to connect your source code repository to continuous integration, running tests, deploying to different environments, and requiring sign off, from QA for example, before pushing to the next environment. In the video, Donovan demonstrates making a change to a code base he has deployed to several different site slots in Azure Websites. He checks in an update to his website and data...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Data Services, Data Management

1/23/2015 5:36:32 PM

Episode 166: Azure Data Factory with Anand Subbaraj
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Anand Subbaraj, Senior Program Manager on the Azure Data Factory team. Anand joins us to talk about Azure Data Factory is a managed service which focuses on managing information production. This enables you to aggregate data from many different sources and produce a flow of analysis on that data. Using Azure Data Factory, data developers and data scientists are able to deliver results from analytics queries very quickly as opposed to taking months in the usual method of doing this. Currently the focus is on Azure and hybrid data movements (on premises SQL Server) but over time the focus will expand to include more storage and pro...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Data Services, Data Management

1/23/2015 5:36:32 PM

Episode 166: Azure Data Factory with Anand Subbaraj
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Anand Subbaraj, Senior Program Manager on the Azure Data Factory team. Anand joins us to talk about Azure Data Factory is a managed service which focuses on managing information production. This enables you to aggregate data from many different sources and produce a flow of analysis on that data. Using Azure Data Factory, data developers and data scientists are able to deliver results from analytics queries very quickly as opposed to taking months in the usual method of doing this. Currently the focus is on Azure and hybrid data movements (on premises SQL Server) but over time the focus will expand to include more storage and pro...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Open Source

1/9/2015 4:03:16 PM

Episode 165: Docker with Jeff Mendoza
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Jeff Mendoza, a software engineer at MS Open Tech. Jeff joins us to explain what Docker is and what Microsoft is doing to help bring Docker to Azure. Docker is a containerization technology that enables you to place apps in containers for easy deployment and portability. Jeff demonstrates creating a python application which he then creates a container for and deploys. Jeff also shows off some of the work MS Open Tech has been doing including the Machine utility to create VMs locally and in Azure as well as the Docker client for Windows. Links from the show: What is Docker?Docker image in the Azure GalleryDocker client for Windows...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Open Source

1/9/2015 4:03:16 PM

Episode 165: Docker with Jeff Mendoza
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Jeff Mendoza, a software engineer at MS Open Tech. Jeff joins us to explain what Docker is and what Microsoft is doing to help bring Docker to Azure. Docker is a containerization technology that enables you to place apps in containers for easy deployment and portability. Jeff demonstrates creating a python application which he then creates a container for and deploys. Jeff also shows off some of the work MS Open Tech has been doing including the Machine utility to create VMs locally and in Azure as well as the Docker client for Windows. Links from the show: What is Docker?Docker image in the Azure GalleryDocker client for Windows...
Episode 164: Azure Diagnostic Improvements with Boris Scholl and Saurabh Bhatia
In this episode Haishi Bai is joined by Boris Scholl and Saurabh Bhatia, both Program Managers on the Azure Tools team. Boris and Saurabh join us to discuss diagnostics improvements with the Azure SDK. Saurabh starts by showing the new IaaS configuration page in Visual Studio which enables viewing endpoints, installing extensions, altering logging levels, and much more. He then goes on to show how to create custom Event Sources in your code to better facilitate logging information from your applications and how to configure those event sources for your roles. Also shown is being able to view the debug locally and see the debug information, something that will continue to be enhanced and...
Episode 164: Azure Diagnostic Improvements with Boris Scholl and Saurabh Bhatia
In this episode Haishi Bai is joined by Boris Scholl and Saurabh Bhatia, both Program Managers on the Azure Tools team. Boris and Saurabh join us to discuss diagnostics improvements with the Azure SDK. Saurabh starts by showing the new IaaS configuration page in Visual Studio which enables viewing endpoints, installing extensions, altering logging levels, and much more. He then goes on to show how to create custom Event Sources in your code to better facilitate logging information from your applications and how to configure those event sources for your roles. Also shown is being able to view the debug locally and see the debug information, something that will continue to be enhanced and...
Episode 163: Advanced Redis Cache with Saurabh Pant
In this episode Cory Fowler and Haishi Bai are joined by Saurabh Pant, Senior Program Manager on the Azure Cache team. Saurabh returns to Cloud Cover to talk about some of the advanced features of Azure Redis Cache and answer some popular questions. Links from the show: Which Azure Cache is right for me?Like Cloud Cover on Facebook! Follow @CloudCoverShowFollow @chrisrisnerFollow @haishibai2010Follow @storsimple
Episode 163: Advanced Redis Cache with Saurabh Pant
In this episode Cory Fowler and Haishi Bai are joined by Saurabh Pant, Senior Program Manager on the Azure Cache team. Saurabh returns to Cloud Cover to talk about some of the advanced features of Azure Redis Cache and answer some popular questions. Links from the show: Which Azure Cache is right for me?Like Cloud Cover on Facebook! Follow @CloudCoverShowFollow @chrisrisnerFollow @haishibai2010Follow @storsimple
Episode 162: Azure 2.5 SDK with Paul Yuknewicz
In this episode Chris Risner and Mat Velloso are joined by Paul Yuknewicz, Program Manager on the Azure SDK team. Paul joins us to talk about new Azure tooling features in Visual Studio 2015 as well as new features of the Azure 2.5 SDK. Features demonstrated include: Visual Studio VMs in the Azure galleryVisual Studio account sign-in and multiple account supportDev-Test Environment creation for Websites and Azure VMsAzure WebJobs ToolingConnected Services wizard updatesEnterprise SSO auth using AADDiagnostics support (errors on by default, dynamically enable / disable logging, crash dumps, ETW / Event Source, Azure VM Support)Azure VM and Azure Cloud Service remote debuggingAzure Resource...
Episode 162: Azure 2.5 SDK with Paul Yuknewicz
In this episode Chris Risner and Mat Velloso are joined by Paul Yuknewicz, Program Manager on the Azure SDK team. Paul joins us to talk about new Azure tooling features in Visual Studio 2015 as well as new features of the Azure 2.5 SDK. Features demonstrated include: Visual Studio VMs in the Azure galleryVisual Studio account sign-in and multiple account supportDev-Test Environment creation for Websites and Azure VMsAzure WebJobs ToolingConnected Services wizard updatesEnterprise SSO auth using AADDiagnostics support (errors on by default, dynamically enable / disable logging, crash dumps, ETW / Event Source, Azure VM Support)Azure VM and Azure Cloud Service remote debuggingAzure Resource...
Episode 161: New API Management Features with Vlad Vinogradsky
In this episode Chris Risner and Elliot Miller are joined by Vlad Vinogradsky, Principle Program Manager on the Azure API Management team. Vlad joins us to go over some new features of API Management, most of which tie into security. The first feature is the API Management REST API which enables you to administer your APIs programmatically including adding new APIs, adding content translators (i.e. XML to JSON), publishing your APIs, and much more. Another feature shown is Delegation which enables you to delegate the responsibility for securing access to your APIs (managing, registering, and authenticating users) to your own service. Client Certificates is a new way of securing the conn...
Episode 161: New API Management Features with Vlad Vinogradsky
In this episode Chris Risner and Elliot Miller are joined by Vlad Vinogradsky, Principle Program Manager on the Azure API Management team. Vlad joins us to go over some new features of API Management, most of which tie into security. The first feature is the API Management REST API which enables you to administer your APIs programmatically including adding new APIs, adding content translators (i.e. XML to JSON), publishing your APIs, and much more. Another feature shown is Delegation which enables you to delegate the responsibility for securing access to your APIs (managing, registering, and authenticating users) to your own service. Client Certificates is a new way of securing the conn...
Episode 160: Event Hubs with Elio Damaggio
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Elio Damaggio, Program Manager on the HyperScale Computing Team. Today Elio talks about Event Hubs which just went GA, is a new feature of Service Bus which enables you to ingest events into the cloud at massive scale. This is a critical service for taking data from many different sources including common IoT scenarios. Elio demonstrates a very simple console application which sends messages up to an EventHub. He then creates an Event Processor which handles processing those messages. Event Hubs handles scaling out to however many processors you want. Event Hubs makes use of the standard AMQP protocol so you can submit informat...
Episode 160: Event Hubs with Elio Damaggio
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Elio Damaggio, Program Manager on the HyperScale Computing Team. Today Elio talks about Event Hubs which just went GA, is a new feature of Service Bus which enables you to ingest events into the cloud at massive scale. This is a critical service for taking data from many different sources including common IoT scenarios. Elio demonstrates a very simple console application which sends messages up to an EventHub. He then creates an Event Processor which handles processing those messages. Event Hubs handles scaling out to however many processors you want. Event Hubs makes use of the standard AMQP protocol so you can submit informat...
Episode 159: StorSimple with Ahmed El-Shimi
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Ahmed El-Shimi, Program Manager on the Microsoft Azure StorSimple team. StorSimple is a hybrid-cloud storage device. It's a storage appliance you put into your data center which connects to Azure Storage to extend the amount of storage available and automatically backups data in Azure. The device also automatically ensures the data accessed most frequently is on the local device while pulling less frequently accessed data automatically from Azure. StorSimple also enables you to easily access the same data from within Azure. In the video, Ahmed demonstrates a scenario where he wants to copy production data into a testing environm...
Episode 159: StorSimple with Ahmed El-Shimi
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Ahmed El-Shimi, Program Manager on the Microsoft Azure StorSimple team. StorSimple is a hybrid-cloud storage device. It's a storage appliance you put into your data center which connects to Azure Storage to extend the amount of storage available and automatically backups data in Azure. The device also automatically ensures the data accessed most frequently is on the local device while pulling less frequently accessed data automatically from Azure. StorSimple also enables you to easily access the same data from within Azure. In the video, Ahmed demonstrates a scenario where he wants to copy production data into a testing environm...
Episode 158: Azure Media Services and Content Protection with Mingfei Yan
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Mingfei Yan, a Program Manager on the Azure Media Services team. Mingfei goes over the two options for protecting your content when using Azure Media Services: AES Clear Key and DRM. AES Clear Key is the less secure option but prevents man-in-the-middle attacks and ensures the media that is delivered to the client is what it should be. DRM is a higher level of security which enables you to make sure your content cannot be reused or displayed anywhere you aren't authorizing it to be played. In the episode Mingfei shows how to designate a video to use AES Clear Key as well as DRM and then how to display those videos once they are p...
Episode 158: Azure Media Services and Content Protection with Mingfei Yan
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Mingfei Yan, a Program Manager on the Azure Media Services team. Mingfei goes over the two options for protecting your content when using Azure Media Services: AES Clear Key and DRM. AES Clear Key is the less secure option but prevents man-in-the-middle attacks and ensures the media that is delivered to the client is what it should be. DRM is a higher level of security which enables you to make sure your content cannot be reused or displayed anywhere you aren't authorizing it to be played. In the episode Mingfei shows how to designate a video to use AES Clear Key as well as DRM and then how to display those videos once they are p...
Episode 157: The Java SDK for Azure Management with Brady Gaster
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Brady Gaster, Program Manager on the Azure SDK and Visual Studio Web Tools teams. Today, Brady talks about using the Azure Management Libraries for Java. Using these libraries and Eclipse, he demonstrates how you can connect to Azure to administer your subscription including view regions, create websites, spin up virtual machines, and much more. Brady also demos a video of a new feature for WebJobs that will be coming to production soon: attaching a debugger to the WebJob! Links from the show: Getting started with Azure Management Libraries for JavaAzure SDK for Java on GitHubAzure Storage SDK for Java on GitHubLike Cloud Cover on ...
Episode 157: The Java SDK for Azure Management with Brady Gaster
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Brady Gaster, Program Manager on the Azure SDK and Visual Studio Web Tools teams. Today, Brady talks about using the Azure Management Libraries for Java. Using these libraries and Eclipse, he demonstrates how you can connect to Azure to administer your subscription including view regions, create websites, spin up virtual machines, and much more. Brady also demos a video of a new feature for WebJobs that will be coming to production soon: attaching a debugger to the WebJob! Links from the show: Getting started with Azure Management Libraries for JavaAzure SDK for Java on GitHubAzure Storage SDK for Java on GitHubLike Cloud Cover on ...
Episode 156: Virtual Networks with Narayan Annamalai
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Narayan Annamalai, a Program Manager on the Virtual Networks team. Today Narayan discusses Azure Virtual Networks as well as hybrid connections. VNets allow you to create a secure and isolated trust boundary for your resources within Azure. This also allows you to seamlessly connect resources located on-premises with those located within Azure. Also covered is the new ability to do internal load balancing. This allows for load balancing of resources that are not exposed via public endpoints. This is great for middle tier and database backends as well as any other resource that you're only going to consume internally. Finally, N...
Episode 156: Virtual Networks with Narayan Annamalai
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Narayan Annamalai, a Program Manager on the Virtual Networks team. Today Narayan discusses Azure Virtual Networks as well as hybrid connections. VNets allow you to create a secure and isolated trust boundary for your resources within Azure. This also allows you to seamlessly connect resources located on-premises with those located within Azure. Also covered is the new ability to do internal load balancing. This allows for load balancing of resources that are not exposed via public endpoints. This is great for middle tier and database backends as well as any other resource that you're only going to consume internally. Finally, N...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Offline, Windows Azure Mobile Services, Azure Mobile Services

9/26/2014 5:29:58 PM

Episode 155: Offline Sync with Donna Malayeri
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Donna Malayeri, Program Manager on the Azure Mobile Services team. Donna starts with a quick review of what Mobile Services is and then dives into the offline data storage capabilities available as part of the client SDKs for Mobile Services. The offline capabilities make it easy to enable your mobile applications when they occasionally lose network connectivity or if they are only infrequently connected to the internet. Since the changes made to enable the offline scenarios are all client side, this feature works regardless of if you're using a Node.js Mobile Service or a .NET one. Donna demonstrates how to move from using the &...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Offline, Windows Azure Mobile Services

9/26/2014 5:29:58 PM

Episode 155: Offline Sync with Donna Malayeri
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Donna Malayeri, Program Manager on the Azure Mobile Services team. Donna starts with a quick review of what Mobile Services is and then dives into the offline data storage capabilities available as part of the client SDKs for Mobile Services. The offline capabilities make it easy to enable your mobile applications when they occasionally lose network connectivity or if they are only infrequently connected to the internet. Since the changes made to enable the offline scenarios are all client side, this feature works regardless of if you're using a Node.js Mobile Service or a .NET one. Donna demonstrates how to move from using the &...

Haishi Bai, Chris Risner

Azure Azure Storage

9/19/2014 4:17:27 PM

Episode 154: DocDB with Ryan CrawCour
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Ryan CrawCour, Program Manager for the DocumentDB team. Ryan talks about DocumentDB, a new option for storage in Microsoft Azure that facilitates storage, indexing, and querying of JSON documents. DocDB enables indexing of all fields in your documents without previously defining a schema and provides several options for ensuring indexes stay up to date including an option to index as you write data! Ryan reviews the different options for maintaining consistency, storing data into your DocDB, as well as querying that data. Using the .NET SDK, Ryan demonstrates querying data using a comfortable and familiar LINQ syntax as well as a...

Haishi Bai, Chris

Azure Azure Storage

9/19/2014 4:17:27 PM

Episode 154: DocDB with Ryan CrawCour
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Ryan CrawCour, Program Manager for the DocumentDB team. Ryan talks about DocumentDB, a new option for storage in Microsoft Azure that facilitates storage, indexing, and querying of JSON documents. DocDB enables indexing of all fields in your documents without previously defining a schema and provides several options for ensuring indexes stay up to date including an option to index as you write data! Ryan reviews the different options for maintaining consistency, storing data into your DocDB, as well as querying that data. Using the .NET SDK, Ryan demonstrates querying data using a comfortable and familiar LINQ syntax as well as a...
Episode 153: WebJobs with Pranav Rastogi
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Pranav Rastogi, Program Manager for the ASP.NET Team. Pranav starts by giving a brief overview of what Azure WebJobs are and what they can be used for. WebJobs provide a way to run background processes as part of your Azure Websites which also scale along with your website and run in the same virtual machine as your website. He then continues to create a new console application in Visual Studio and deploy it as a WebJob. Once deployed, Pranav demonstrates the ease of accessing logs from your WebJobs. Next up, Pranav talks about the WebJobs SDK which enables many scenarios including triggers and bindings. In the demo, Pranav sho...

Haishi Bai, Chris

Azure websites

9/12/2014 3:21:47 PM

Episode 153: WebJobs with Pranav Rastogi
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Pranav Rastogi, Program Manager for the ASP.NET Team. Pranav starts by giving a brief overview of what Azure WebJobs are and what they can be used for. WebJobs provide a way to run background processes as part of your Azure Websites which also scale along with your website and run in the same virtual machine as your website. He then continues to create a new console application in Visual Studio and deploy it as a WebJob. Once deployed, Pranav demonstrates the ease of accessing logs from your WebJobs. Next up, Pranav talks about the WebJobs SDK which enables many scenarios including triggers and bindings. In the demo, Pranav sho...
Cloud Cover 152: Azure Search with Liam Cavanagh
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Liam Cavanagh, Program Manager for the Azure Search team. Azure Search is a scalable, fully managed, full-text search within Azure. It enables developers to add a great experience to web apps, mobile apps, and anything else they might be building. Channel 9 itself is using Azure Search to power searching the content on this site. Here, Liam demonstrates how to generate an index using Fiddler to send web requests to his Search Service. After generating an index, he then adds JSON documents to index. Once data is added and an index is generated, Liam then performs several different types of searches on the data. Links from the ...

Haishi Bai, Chris

Azure Enterprise Search

9/5/2014 4:19:15 PM

Cloud Cover 152: Azure Search with Liam Cavanagh
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Liam Cavanagh, Program Manager for the Azure Search team. Azure Search is a scalable, fully managed, full-text search within Azure. It enables developers to add a great experience to web apps, mobile apps, and anything else they might be building. Channel 9 itself is using Azure Search to power searching the content on this site. Here, Liam demonstrates how to generate an index using Fiddler to send web requests to his Search Service. After generating an index, he then adds JSON documents to index. Once data is added and an index is generated, Liam then performs several different types of searches on the data. Links from the ...
Cloud Cover 151: Azure Machine Learning with Parmita Mehta
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Parmita Mehta, Program Manger on the Azure Machine Learning team. Parmita gives an overview of the new Azure Cloud Machine Learning Service. Using the Cloud ML service, Parmita demonstrates how you can create experiments to detect patterns in data. In the example shown, Parmita uses Cloud ML to predict family income level based off of census data. This is tested using modules pre-built by MS Research, Xbox, and Bing! After building and testing out an experiment, Parmita shows how easy it is to push the experiment to production as a web service which can be used to run individual tests or batches. Links from the show: ML StudioMa...
Cloud Cover 151: Azure Machine Learning with Parmita Mehta
In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Parmita Mehta, Program Manger on the Azure Machine Learning team. Parmita gives an overview of the new Azure Cloud Machine Learning Service. Using the Cloud ML service, Parmita demonstrates how you can create experiments to detect patterns in data. In the example shown, Parmita uses Cloud ML to predict family income level based off of census data. This is tested using modules pre-built by MS Research, Xbox, and Bing! After building and testing out an experiment, Parmita shows how easy it is to push the experiment to production as a web service which can be used to run individual tests or batches. Links from the show: ML StudioMa...
Cloud Cover Tip of the Week: Kubernetes Visualizer
In this week's Tip of the Week, Michael Blouin, a Microsoft intern, comes to the studio to show off the Azure Kubernetes Visualizer project he did with the team during Microsoft's first company-wide hackathon. The project visualizes pod/container management of a Kubernetes cluster running on Microsoft Azure, leveraging the recently announced Azure support for Kubernetes. To find out more about the project, please read this article. The source code of the project is also available at Follow @CloudCoverShowFollow @chrisrisnerFollow @haishibai2010
Cloud Cover Tip of the Week: Kubernetes Visualizer
In this week's Tip of the Week, Michael Blouin, a Microsoft intern, comes to the studio to show off the Azure Kubernetes Visualizer project he did with the team during Microsoft's first company-wide hackathon. The project visualizes pod/container management of a Kubernetes cluster running on Microsoft Azure, leveraging the recently announced Azure support for Kubernetes. To find out more about the project, please read this article. The source code of the project is also available at Follow @CloudCoverShowFollow @chrisrisnerFollow @haishibai2010
Episode 150: Azure Remote App with Thomas Willingham and Nihar Namjoshi
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Thomas Willingham and Nihar Namjoshi, Program Managers on the Remote Desktop Services team. In this episode, Thomas and Nihar demonstrate Azure Remote App which allows you to deploy client applications in Azure and then run them via the cross-platform Remote Desktop tool. Azure Remote App enables deployment via a managed cloud model and a customizable hybrid model. Hybrid deployment enables applications running in Azure Remote App to connect back to resources, such as SQL Server, on-premises. Access to apps set up with Remote App can be controlled via Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Accounts, as well as on-premises Active Dire...

Nick Harris, Chris

Azure remote access, Remote Desktop

8/22/2014 6:44:31 PM

Episode 150: Azure Remote App with Thomas Willingham and Nihar Namjoshi
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Thomas Willingham and Nihar Namjoshi, Program Managers on the Remote Desktop Services team. In this episode, Thomas and Nihar demonstrate Azure Remote App which allows you to deploy client applications in Azure and then run them via the cross-platform Remote Desktop tool. Azure Remote App enables deployment via a managed cloud model and a customizable hybrid model. Hybrid deployment enables applications running in Azure Remote App to connect back to resources, such as SQL Server, on-premises. Access to apps set up with Remote App can be controlled via Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Accounts, as well as on-premises Active Dire...

Nick Harris, Chris Risner

Azure Recoverability, Virtualization

8/15/2014 3:55:29 PM

Episode 149: Azure Site Recovery with Praveen Vijayaraghavan
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Praveen Vijayaraghavan, Senior Program Manager on the Windows Server and System Center team. Praveen is on the show to talk about Azure Site Recovery. In version one of Site Recovery, you could copy your virtual machines from a primary data center into a secondary one for disaster recovery. In the most recent version, Site Recovery allows you to bring your virtual machines from your data center into Azure. In the video, Praveen demonstrates setting up a recovery instance in Azure, installing the client app on the server in his data center, and then connecting the on-premises VMs into Site Recovery for backup. VM Images are encry...

Nick Harris, Chris

Azure Recoverability, Virtualization

8/15/2014 3:55:29 PM

Episode 149: Azure Site Recovery with Praveen Vijayaraghavan
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Praveen Vijayaraghavan, Senior Program Manager on the Windows Server and System Center team. Praveen is on the show to talk about Azure Site Recovery. In version one of Site Recovery, you could copy your virtual machines from a primary data center into a secondary one for disaster recovery. In the most recent version, Site Recovery allows you to bring your virtual machines from your data center into Azure. In the video, Praveen demonstrates setting up a recovery instance in Azure, installing the client app on the server in his data center, and then connecting the on-premises ...

Nick Harris, Chris Risner

Azure Azure Storage, Storage

8/8/2014 2:15:40 PM

Episode 148: Azure Files with Andrew Edwards
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Andrew Edwards, a Principle Software Development Engineer on the Azure Storage Team. In this episode, Andrew reviews the different storage options provided by Azure and then focuses on the new Azure Files service. Azure Files allows you to read and write files to a network share just like you might do in your own on-premises data centers. Files is accessible via SMB 2.1 in addition to REST. This new ability to access file shares enables easy "life and shift" of applications from on-premises data centers into the cloud. Links from the show: Azure Storage Team BlogIntro to Azure File ServiceAzure Files PricingAzure Stora...

Nick Harris, Chris

Azure Azure Storage, Storage

8/8/2014 2:15:40 PM

Episode 148: Azure Files with Andrew Edwards
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Andrew Edwards, a Principle Software Development Engineer on the Azure Storage Team. In this episode, Andrew reviews the different storage options provided by Azure and then focuses on the new Azure Files service. Azure Files allows you to read and write files to a network share just like you might do in your own on-premises data centers. Files is accessible via SMB 2.1 in addition to REST. This new ability to access file shares enables easy "life and shift" of applications from on-premises data centers into the cloud. Links from the show: Azure Storage Team BlogIntro to Azure Fi...
Episode 147: Azure Redis Cache with Saurabh Pant and Wade Wegner
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Wade Wegner and Saurabh Pant, Program Manager in the Azure Cache team. In this episode Saurabh talks about the new Azure Redis Cache service. The Azure Redis Cache service, currently in Preview, is based on the hugely popular open-source Redis key-value store. The same Redis that runs in Azure can also be run on-premises for local testing and fail over. In addition to the service providing already set up Redis, you also get monitoring and alerting out of the box. Links from the show: Azure Cache HomepageAzure Cache Dev CenterUsing the Azure Redis CacheReach out to the Azure Cache team Like Cloud Cover on Facebook! Follow @Cloud...
Episode 147: Azure Redis Cache with Saurabh Pant and Wade Wegner
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Wade Wegner and Saurabh Pant, Program Manager in the Azure Cache team. In this episode Saurabh talks about the new Azure Redis Cache service. The Azure Redis Cache service, currently in Preview, is based on the hugely popular open-source Redis key-value store. The same Redis that runs in Azure can also be run on-premises for local testing and fail over. In addition to the service providing already set up Redis, you also get monitoring and alerting out of the box. Links from the show: Azure Cache HomepageAzure Cache Dev CenterUsing the Azure Redis CacheReach out to the Azure Cache team Like Cloud Cover on Facebook! Follow @Cloud...
Episode 147: Azure Redis Cache with Saurabh Pant and Wade Wegner
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Wade Wegner and Saurabh Pant, Program Manager in the Azure Cache team. In this episode Saurabh talks about the new Azure Redis Cache service. The Azure Redis Cache service, currently in Preview, is based on the hugely popular open-source Redis key-value store. The same Redis that runs in Azure can also be run on-premises for local testing and fail over. In addition to the service providing already set up Redis, you also get monitoring and alerting out of the box. Links from the show: Azure Cache HomepageAzure Cache Dev CenterUsing the Azure Redis CacheReach out to the Azure Cache team...
Episode 146: Azure Tooling in Visual Studio with Boris Scholl and Catherine Wang
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Boris Scholl and Catherine Wang, Program Managers on the Azure Tools Team. In this session Boris and Catherine demonstrate Visual Studio tooling to create new web projects which will also generate either an Azure Web Site or Azure Virtual Machine automatically. When using this new tooling, PowerShell scripts are also generated to make it even easier to automate deploying to Azure. Configuration files make using the PowerShell scripts easy to use to push to different environments (i.e. Test, Staging, Production). Custom build steps are shown to script building the website and handling the deployment. They also demonstrate how to...